Friday Fun
Good Morning,
We have made it to week 2 and already mixing it up with a Friday release. I hopefully worked out some of the kinks from last week and will most likely develop a few more here today. I don’t know about you, but I have already noticed a slight lull in my routine. Colder weather is coming, and that seasonal depression will come knocking for some of us. Why not get ahead of it and establish good routines as we approach wintertime so it’s easier to get out the door on those cold dark mornings. Do something a little different today, one little change in your routine that will yield positive results. Perhaps a simple stretch in the morning, avoiding checking the phone before getting out of the bed or a lunch time micro workout all are small adjustments anyone is capable of.
Nutrition tip of the week: Protein
Protein is a macronutrient made up of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, our body produces 11 naturally, 9 it does not (so called essential amino acids). A complete protein is made up of all 9 essential amino acids your body doesn’t produce on its own.
Benefits (Endless):
Muscle growth
Exercise Recovery
Reducing body fat
Improves bone health
Immune System booster
Weight loss--> protein fills you up
Balancing hormones
Skin Hair and Nail Health
Recommended daily intake
.35 to .5 per lb. of body weight (So 35-50g for a 100lb person) but many studies point to more success when consuming .7 to 1g per lb. of body weight
10-35% of caloric intake--> I would highly suggest higher end
-->I feel at my best when my diet is very protein dominant, and I have upwards of 200-250g of protein most days while weighing 175 lbs. Your body can process a lot more protein than you think, and it will thank you for an increase of it in your diet.
Protein Sources:
Meats (STEAK, chicken, pork)
Greek yogurt
I am off the belief that meats, fish, eggs and dairy are by far the best sources but that is one of my rants for another time.
Stretch of the week: Supine twist
Everybody needs to stretch more, and this is one of the easiest. Do it on your bed for all I care. Just do it and stop complaining about your back pain.
Improved digestion:
Reduced back pain: (lower back, hips, spine)
Improved flexibility and mobility
Therapeutic and relaxing
Improved circulation
Balance and Posture
Video: How to do a Supine Twist
Home Workout Suggestion of the week: Forearm plank/Side Plank
In the same vein for those complaining about back pain…strengthen your core. Your back pain may disappear but at the very least improve dramatically.
Core strength: abs and lower back--> improved posture and easing of lower back pain.
Balance and stability
Helps achieve a tight and toned core
I usually do this home workout in 7 minutes. I begin at regular forearm plank for about 45 seconds then I move to a side plank for 30 seconds. Back to regular forearm for another 45 then the other side for 30 seconds. (Resting as needed, usually 10-15 second between) Work your way back and forth until you are anywhere from 5-10 minutes of hard work in.
They are countless variation, from the traditional plank position (seen in the first image) you can do heel lifts, toe taps out to the side, etc.
Throw a resistance band around your ankles for added fun.
Start slowly and focus on your form:
Crown of the head reaching forward with the neck in a neutral position
Neutral spine
Hips in line with rest of body
Tightening the abs and keeping the core engaged
Video: How to do Plank Variations
Monday Motivation:
“Be stronger than your excuses”
There is always a reason you can’t, instead find the reason you can.
Song of the week: Seven Nation Army (remix)
Hope you enjoyed week two of this, my goal is to get better every week and yours should be too. Have a great fucking weekend and remember…
“Movimiento es Vida”